Hospital Tubs

How to labor in water or have a water birth


Labor isn’t exactly a walk in the park—it’s an intense and sometimes painful experience that requires your full attention. But there are ways to make it easier on yourself, and one of those is through water birth. Water can help you relax and reduce any pain you might be feeling, as well as provide a soothing environment for both you and your baby during labor. It’s safe too!

Water can help you relax and reduce any pain you might be feeling.

Water can help you relax. In fact, one study found that women who were in the water during labor had higher pain thresholds than those who weren’t. Water also offers a degree of buoyancy that makes it easier to move around and change positions.

Water is an effective tool for managing pain because it has properties such as warmth and pressure that stimulate receptors in your skin that are responsible for mental relaxation and reduced pain perception.

You can labor in water or have your baby in water.

You can labor in water or have your baby in water.

Water can help you relax and reduce any pain you might be feeling. Water birth is really good too!

Labor in water is a safe way to deliver your baby and labor

Labor in water is a safe way to deliver your baby and labor. If you’re considering a water birth, here are some of the main benefits:

  • Water can help you relax and relieve pain. Being submerged in warm water can cause your body to release endorphins, which can help you feel better. It can also reduce stress and anxiety that may be caused by the pain of delivery, as well as help you relax your muscles and increase blood flow through your body.
  • Water births are safer for both mother and baby than traditional deliveries on dry land. In fact, according to The Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (JMW), “there is no evidence that [water births] pose any increased risk for mothers or babies.” This study also found that there was no increased risk of injury or infection during labor in water compared with traditional deliveries on land; however, it notes that further research will be needed before we know everything there is to know about this topic

Water birth is really good

  • Water birth is safe.
  • Water birth is a good way to relax and stay relaxed during labor.
  • Water birth can help reduce pain for some women, especially those who have experienced back labor in the past.


We hope this article has helped you understand more about water birth and how it can help you have a more comfortable and easier labor. If you are interested in learning more about water birth, please contact your hospital or midwife to find out more information.